Here is a collection of photos which I edited for my magazine. I will not be using all of them but I would like to experiment with placement on the pages and such.
For most of them I changed the brightness, contrast, highlights & shadows, blacks & whites, as well as the hue, luminosity, and saturation of some colours. This has all been done in Adobe LightRoom.
After editing the photos in LightRoom I also opened some of them in PhotoShop in order to modify them further.
Hint: look for 'BONBON'
I have also edited the photo of Yidi in two ways for the 'featured artist' part of the magazine. The first one is supposed to look like a CD cover for her new album (she would be an alternative musician in my magazine). For the second one I though more about the composition of the page. I erased a bit of the bottom so that it looks like the dar purple part was painted on. I will also further add some brush strokes to create a more interesting piece.